Rick Bouza founded RHB Solutions in 2005 to help the smaller operator compete with “the big boys”. After he resigned from Crunch Fitness International as National Vice President, he decided to shop around for a club or a small chain to purchase. He met with many owners that were interested in selling and in the process determined that, in most cases, they were either doing things wrong or not doing everything they could to optimize performance.
He spoke with entrepreneurs that were miscast and mired in the day to day operation. “Here you had very smart business people that were dealing with facility issues, member issues and making sure that there were enough towels for the members. That daily grind had a double negative effect – one, entrepreneurs are generally not good operators and two, the grind was wearing away at their visionary and creative spirit. The result is almost always a downward spiral from which it is very hard to pull out. We bring a fresh perspective to the business and create a buffer from the daily operation so that the owner can be the owner.” He saw an opportunity to use his national chain experience and connections created over 20 years in the business to help. “Our team and our network of vendors help our clients benefit from economies of scale unavailable to them previously.”
Since 2005 RHB Solutions has helped many individual and small club chain owners realize their potential in the marketplace. “We work on the entire operation, everything is considered from the perception of the product to the operational expenses to creating a brand image and, of course, promoting and selling it.” Contact RHB Solutions today to schedule your complimentary consultation.